Sermon Series Archive

09/10/2011 to 10/22/2011

Looking to make the most of the gifts and blessings God has given you in your life, but don't know where to start? Join us as we take some lessons from office life and apply them to REAL life.

06/04/2011 to 08/28/2011

"The bible is so old." 
"What in the world do people with names like Eli and Habakkuk have to do with me and my life?"
"Does God's Word really relate to my life, here and now?"
In our series "Parallel YOUniverse", we will be exploring biblical characters and just exactly how God worked in their lives, and how he continues to work in our lives as well.

01/01/2011 to 05/21/2011

Read The Story.  Experience The Bible.  "The Story" is a 5 month journey through the Bible at St. Matthew.
Beginning January 2nd, St. Matthew will be having a church wide emphasis on helping everyone “Get Into the Bible” utilizing a resource called “The Story.”  “The Story” is an exciting experience of bible engagement for children, teens, and adults, reading the bible as one seamless story beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation. 
Stay tuned for more information on opportunities to attend Bible Classes on the related themes.
Interested in a Small Group? 
Looking for one of the Books? You can purchase the books Sundays at either campus at a reduced price.  
Video Testimonials from others who have read The Story.

11/27/2010 to 12/30/2010

This Advent season, come and discover “The Gift of Prophecy”.  We will focus on various Old Testament prophecies and the ways in which they were fulfilled. Join us as we explore God's Word and celebrate how Christ has been promised throughout the ages!

10/30/2010 to 11/21/2010

Our current series is a four-week study of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Christians in Colosse.  We'll learn how the sufficiency of Christ is shown to his people in the book of Colossians.

10/02/2010 to 10/24/2010

The October Mission of the Month and title of our next series is “The Future is Now.”   The Future is Now is an initiative of the Michigan District to raise support for church workers, local church plants or church revitalizations and missions. St. Matthew is participating in raising resources for these areas and designated support for church revitalization to Missionary Dietrick Gladden at St. Paul in Pontiac and for Pastor Daniel in India.  LEARN more this October for the various ways you can be involved in The Future is Now.

09/11/2010 to 09/26/2010

"What does it matter if I go to church every Sunday?"
"I'm so busy! It's my only day to sleep in and enjoy my family."
"I already know that Jesus loves me. Isn't that enough?"
Sound familiar? Society would have us believe that gathering together at church is quite optional and likely unnecessary in today's culture.  That's not the case.  There is value in gathering together on a regular basis!  Join us as we learn about how God blesses his people when they gather together.

07/10/2010 to 09/04/2010

The Old Testament of the Bible is filled with many amazing and incredible stories.  From "Noah and the Flood" to the "Parting of the Red Sea" to "Jonah and the Big Fish".  Perhaps we've heard them dozens of times in Sunday school, but what's the point?  What does God really want us to take away from these stories.
Join us each week this summer as we explore the classics, and discover that each of these accounts is "More than a Story."

05/22/2010 to 06/20/2010

Join us as we begin a new sermon series called, “How’s It Growing?” It's time for some accountability, encouragement and resourcing in taking at least one intentional step to “grow closer to and more like Jesus.”
As a follow-up to our series "The Vibrant Life", you may find it helpful to revisit some of the content from that series.  To go the series page for "The Vibrant Life", click here.

04/03/2010 to 05/15/2010


02/16/2010 to 04/03/2010

We live in a day and age where people have an endless number of opinions on who Jesus is.  To Muslims, He is just a prophet; to the Jehovah’s Witnesses He is an angel; to Mormons and Hindus He is one of many gods.  And groups such as “The Jesus Seminar” want to reduce Him to little more than a man who, in fact, didn’t even teach most of the things recorded in the Bible.  Is it enough to just say that Jesus was a “great teacher”?  What does it mean to say that “Jesus is Lord”?  Let's read through the Gospels to see exactly what God's Word has to say about Jesus.
Follow along with our pastors as they blog about our daily readings of the four Gospels.  Need a copy of our reading schedule?  Click here.

01/02/2010 to 02/14/2010

This probably comes as no surprise, but families nowadays aren't what they used to be.  We're living in a fast-paced society, and developing faith in our homes can be very challenging.  Quite often, in the midst of the craziness of work schedules, school activities, sports, dance classes, and music lessons, we don't even know where to begin with building faith in our homes.
During January and February we'll be encouraging each other as we'l discover ways that our relationship with Jesus can stretch into our homes as we pass on the passion for Jesus to those we're closest to.  Our sermon series will provide practical information that can help us build Faith @ Home.  Click here to check out our preview video.

11/28/2009 to 12/30/2009

The Christmas season is upon us!  Time for family gatherings, work parties, cookie baking, and gift giving. Speaking of gift giving, have you found the perfect gifts for the people that matter most in your life?  What if you had to give a present to God?  What would you give to the one who has given so much to you?  In this series, we'll explore ways in which we can offer our lives to God as living sacrifices.  Let's explore "Gifts Fit for a King".

10/31/2009 to 11/22/2009

As we move forward in mission and ministry at St. Matthew, what does God have to say about living life to the fullest? What are his thoughts? Join us as we discover "The Vibrant Life".

10/03/2009 to 10/25/2009

Far too often we wake up on Sunday morning, go to church, sing songs, pray prayers, and leave worship with hearts that are just as far from God as they were before we showed up to church. What's wrong with this picture? Has God failed to show up to church? Or is something in our lives getting in the way?
During these four weeks in October, let's pray that God breaks through and changes his church in powerful ways. May we never be the same!

09/12/2009 to 09/27/2009

Did you have a good summer, a good time with family, good weather, a good respite, or was it VERY good? Even God uses "very" very sparingly. The first chapter of the Bible talks about how after every day God said each perfect thing was good, but he withheld saying it was VERY good until after he created humans on the 6th day. Maybe today you feel like you are VERY exhausted, VERY lonely, or VERY nervous. Let's recall the time when God said, "It is VERY good."

07/04/2009 to 09/06/2009

Even though we have a great big God, there are some things that we still don't understand. We have so many questions! Join us over this summer as we try to tackle some of those tough questions by turning to God's Word.

05/25/2009 to 06/21/2009

The Nike ad says “Just Do It!” Here’s a new motivation… “Just Live It!” You may not be able to run a marathon, bench your weight or even shoot a basket, and that’s okay. That is not what matters to God. He has given us a faith that saves, and a life to live it out. So… Just Live It! Join us over these four weeks as the book of James guides us in faith-filled living.

04/18/2009 to 05/17/2009

You don't have to live in a soap opera to know drama. No one wants life to imitate fiction, because we have enough "excitement." Life crises take center stage in a day in the life of the Leaver family. Join us at St. Matthew as we discover God's plan for our drama-filled days. Join us for "Soaps!"

02/28/2009 to 04/12/2009

Are you checking out Christianity for the first time…or for the first time in a long time? Has your spiritual life gotten a little old and stale? Our worship on Sundays between here and Easter will get us “Back to Basics.” We will consider the fundamental truths that God can use to kindle or rekindle a meaningful relationship with Him.
