Finding Hope in a Post-Christian America

Sunday, January 3, 2016 to Sunday, February 7, 2016

The seismic shift in our culture over the last generation has been documented in many places, but can be summarized with the words “Post-Christian.”  That is a short hand way to say that over the last generation there has been a shift, for example: 

  • From a worldview in which God created all and we will all face Him and need to answer to Him when we die… to various and competing worldviews, including evolution, other religions, and atheism and agnosticism.
  • From moral absolute to situational ethics to everyone doing what seems right in their own eyes
  • From a nation and culture based on Judeo-Christian morality to evolving morality in which things like multiple sexual partners, living together outside of marriage, same sex relations and marriage, and putting a spin on things (once known as lying and deception) are commonly accepted.  
  • From Christianity being accepted and embraced by society to it being ridiculed and even persecuted.

So, how are we supposed to live as followers of Jesus in this very different spiritual and moral environment?  How would God have us handle life in a post-Christian America?