Discovering Me

Sermon Date: 
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Sermon Series: 





Genesis 15:1-6 (God Promises Abram a Family) New International Version (NIV)

The Lord’s Covenant With Abram

15 After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision:

“Do not be afraid, Abram.
    I am your shield,[a]
    your very great reward.[b]”

2 But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit[c] my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” 3 And Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.”

4 Then the word of the Lord came to him: “This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir.” 5 He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring[d] be.”

6 Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.


God said, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” These are words that can change us.  It means not only does God protect us, but he gives us a treasure.   The reward we have in His Word changes our lives.  How does the Bible change me? (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:105, Hebrews 4:12, John 6:63)

Memory Verse:

Colossians 3:16 “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly”

Walled Lake Audio: